You Are What You Eat – Time to Change WHAT I Am
I am in my late 40’s and have been “overweight” for 15-20 years – not obese, just “chunky”. I’ve been a regular meat and potatoes guy since birth and some of my favorite foods are eggs, bacon, hamburgers, and juicy steaks. Add in fish, especially sushi, the usual lobster, clam and oysters a few vegetables and fruits, and you get the idea.
A few days before October 1st 2011, I watched a video called “Forks over Knives” and I decided I should change my diet and become a vegetarian. I didn’t really think much about it, except this had been a decision a long time coming. I know it may be odd, but I just stopped eating meat as of September 29th and haven’t touched it since (on purpose). As it turns out, this decision was rather timely and coincidental as the “World Vegetarian Day” is October 1st, which I discovered afterwards.
My reasons for changing are not complex and may touch a few sensitive nerves, but over the last 6 years, we have had 4 family members diagnosed with cancer, with one losing her battle in 2010. On top of that, 3 family members passed away in the same number of years, from natural causes. All of my family members were under 70 years of age (except for one).
This coupled with 2 personal colonscopy’s (in the last 4 years) suggests that my genetic probability for cancer is pretty high and life expectancy is pretty low. That SUCKS!
In the coming weeks, I am going to share my experiences with you regarding the changes in my diet along with the challenges. So far, after just 3 months, it has been a little more than interesting, considering the holidays at our home is filled with meat meals through the end of the year!
If these posts help even one person with similar experiences, then it has served a greater purpose. In the long run, I hope that I can say there is a difference, but at this stage, there are some benefits, like weight loss and the need for a belt and smaller clothes.
My plan is to get an overall physical and some nutritional help in the next few months. However, if you know of any good books to help, your suggestions would be appreciated. Until my next post, eat healthy and be sure to share the moments well, with family and friends.