What does VOX mean?

VOX. A google search for VOX returns about 19,600,000.
Its contemporary meaning ranges from Voice Transmission to Very Old Transmitters.
Vox Vocis is latin for voice, but for what I am using on this site, I have a few variations. Here, Vox is primarily intended to mean “voice”, but at another level, I am using it as an gradation of acronyms:
- Verbally Objective Xpression(s)
- Verbally Objectionable Xpression(s)
- Verbally Offensive Xpression(s)
- Visually Objective Xpressions(s)
- Visually Objectionable Xpression(s)
- Visually Offensive Xpression(s)
At certain times, one of these will be applied for the topic on this site.
In short, VOX is really VOX VOCIS, meaning VOICE, which can mean something communicated via audible or visual methods. The content in that communication can also be relayed Objectively, Objectionably, and finally Offensively. Communication or expression ones voice is the final component to the acronym – VOX.
For the most part, this site will be leaning toward Verbally/Visually Objective Xpression(s) as opposed to Subjective biased renderings, but of course, we all have some form of subjectivity. After all, our experiences in life are what define our positions.
Vox out.